What Makes a Good Songwriter? A legendary songwriter tells her story bonnie baker famous songwriter free songwriting tips how to become a multi-platinum songwriter how to write good songs podcast songwriter songwriting lesson songwriting success songwriting tips write good songs Aug 30, 2021

For two years Bonnie J. Baker was figuring out songwriting again after making multi-platinum hits! She’s had amazing singles cut with so many artists, that I could use this entire platform just to talk about that.  We talk about how she got started, and a period of time, later in life,...

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Tips On Writing & Arranging Guitar Parts acousitc guitar arranging guitar parts arranging guitars daw electric guitar electric guitar parts free songwriting tips great home recordings guitar hooks guitar production home studio guitars home studio tips how to arrange a pop song how to make your first guitar arrangement logic picking patterns quick tips for arranging guitar tips on how to write songs writing guitar parts Dec 13, 2020

Over the past few weeks I've received a few questions from my Insider Members on arranging guitars for demos.

I posted this video in the group but I wanted to share it with you too. Now is the best time to dig your heals in and prep your skills for 2021! 

If you find this video helpful and...

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3 Reasons Why Songwriting Is Like The Great British Baking Show baking bread free songwriting tips great british bake off great british baking show guitar production music confidence music indsutry advice music metaphors soggy bottoms song production songwriters Dec 03, 2020
Maybe you’re hooked on the Great British Baking Show like me. This show has a talented batch of amateur bakers that face off in a 10-week competition, whipping up their best bakes in the hopes of being named the U.K.'s winner.
The more I watch this, the more I realize it's just like...
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Picking Patterns and Techniques acoustic guitar creative thinking electric guitar free guitar lesson free songwriting tips guitar idea guitar technique improve technique intermediate guitar picking patterns picking patterns guitar practice tip trick Jul 09, 2019

Most of the time we don't give thought into getting creative with our picking patterns. Sometimes they have the same feel . . .back and forth . . .back and forth. Today let's break that by spicing up our pattern! 



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