82% of people who are looking for guitar advice tell me they have trouble concentrating while practicing. They just can’t focus!
Well, have you ever been to The Golden Corral? It’s a buffet where you can have whatever you want…. mash potatoes lasagna, shrimp, mexican......
When I write blogs/vlogs and do Facebook/instagram ADs 99% of responses are thoughtful and engaging.
What about the 1%?
Well sometimes the responses are either creepy, weird or like this…
Now why single out this passive aggressive “comment” for this blog?
Building a better practice routine, is one of the trickiest things for any guitar player/singer songwriter. Stop have this unreasonable expectations when practicing! Set very reasonable (yes, reasonable goals. . . you're an adult, life happens!)
Pick a focus item (Scales, chords, a chorus a song...
Most of the time we don't give thought into getting creative with our picking patterns. Sometimes they have the same feel . . .back and forth . . .back and forth. Today let's break that by spicing up our pattern!