Imagine you’re bursting with a great idea. You want to jump right in because there are a few things you know how to do really well, but then you realize there are some crucial steps you’re totally lost on. Now imagine you take this idea and you share it with a friend because...
It’s the holiday season which means either you’re the busiest you’ve been all year, or you’re forgetting to do some things you need to do.
For me, it’s the busiest I’ve been all year because amongst writing to last minute briefs, scheduled co-writes, and my...
You might have heard me talk about active listening because I'm a huge advocate for it as a songwriting guitar coach. But why is this so important? What are the benefits? Do you really need to do this consistently?
If you’re thinking, “active listening doesn’t really...
Building a better practice routine, is one of the trickiest things for any guitar player/singer songwriter. Stop have this unreasonable expectations when practicing! Set very reasonable (yes, reasonable goals. . . you're an adult, life happens!)
Pick a focus item (Scales, chords, a chorus a song...
This week we're gonna talk about picks. Why am I being so picky?? (Sorry I had to) We spend some much time searching for the perfect guitar, the right brand of strings we sometimes skip over the most important item. . .the pick! In my experience, the pick you use dictates the genre you're...